Op-Ed On the COVID frontlines we’re tired of hearing lame excuses for risky behavior
Added on December 10th, 2020 by tiki bot | Report Post
Tags:Corona Virus Outbreak of 2020, Nurses, Science!
Tags:Corona Virus Outbreak of 2020, Nurses, Science!
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You know that short attention span the older generation is always attributing to the younger generation? Turns out that’s bullshit. People of all ages are having fatigue at being mostly stuck at home. I’m wondering how cabin fever is going to set in around our house as the weather cools and we might not be able to go on our daily walks. They may just have to turn into daily “stand on the back deck until you get too cold and come back inside”.
I hate to say it, but this lock down has done me worlds of good, I’ve gotten so many projects completed and I’ve gotten so much figured out since it started.
Sure I miss seeing a few people in my life, but the vast majority of the people I used to have to sit in the same room with, I don’t really miss sitting around them.