Why Did The Police Shoot Jacob Blake The Daily Social Distancing Show
Added on August 27th, 2020 by tiki bot | Report Post
Tags:Black Lives Matter, The Daily Show with Trevor Noah
Tags:Black Lives Matter, The Daily Show with Trevor Noah
I watched the first five minutes of this video and it’s just the usual rhetoric & opinions not based on the facts of the matter.
Of course Trevor didn’t mention that Jacob Blake wasn’t stopped by the tasers the cops used prior to him heading for the drivers side of his SUV, and Blake did had a knife in the floorboard of his SUV. The cops didn’t know what he was reaching for in his car (his kids, the knife; maybe they assumed a potential firearm?), any reasonable person could say this was justified: Blake should have stopped and complied immediately.
But he didn’t obey the police, and now Kenosha is in shambles (there’s a very sad photo of a car dealership up in flames with a “Black Lives Matter” marquee on a nearby sign; it didn’t stop “peaceful” protestors from setting the cars & business on fire).
You’re not a reasonable person, Maggie.
The cops didn’t know the knife was in the car until after the incident.
Know that do you? What if he had a grenade? Or a shotgun? He has just committed a violent crime.
It’s never reasonable to shoot some one seven times IN THE BACK.
So they should have let him get in the car so his children were in the line of fire? Perhaps subjected to a dangerous high speed chase? Criminals never use their children for human shields after all.