I see one of them properly social distancing, and one engaged in a dangerous unlawful assembly, spreading disease, and impeding the lawful flow of traffic.
What is being shown is a human being peacefully and safely marching with people demanding they not be killed at an alarming rate by the people supposed to protect them and the other thing is walking across the street that was violently cleared of peaceful protesters fighting for people’s lives for a photo op.
So is firing teargas and bashing peaceful protestors for a photo op and murdering innocent people, but lets prioritize people standing in a street with no traffic. They are peacefully protesting. The march in Selma by MLK was also in a road, but I’d be shocked if you tried to make that a bad thing.
I see one of them properly social distancing, and one engaged in a dangerous unlawful assembly, spreading disease, and impeding the lawful flow of traffic.
What is being shown is a human being peacefully and safely marching with people demanding they not be killed at an alarming rate by the people supposed to protect them and the other thing is walking across the street that was violently cleared of peaceful protesters fighting for people’s lives for a photo op.
Safely marching down the middle of roads laned for traffic? That’s a criminal offense.
So is firing teargas and bashing peaceful protestors for a photo op and murdering innocent people, but lets prioritize people standing in a street with no traffic. They are peacefully protesting. The march in Selma by MLK was also in a road, but I’d be shocked if you tried to make that a bad thing.
Grannie- you are an idiot.
The photo with Obama is from 2015.
So are you trolling or as dense as iridium?