Those of you with MCS+ will notice a new widget at the top of the sidebar. It replaces the advertisements with comments on posts that aren’t even public yet, but YOU as the dedicated legion of supporters, YOU get to see them, rate them, AND comment on them, all long before the unwashed masses ever get a chance to even put their pants back on after sleeping in the gutter with the unwashed filth of humanity.
Not us though, we sleep with the washed filth of humanity, right?
You talkin’ to me? I don’t see anyone else here, so unpaid furlough be damned I went back up a trey. Mazel Tof!
Lol I upped it to $5 a month for ya, even though I’m still not working thanks to this damned virus. I had been in for a duece.
your tribute has been noted!
Good good – so @... $5 a month I am MCS+ ?
yeah! you should have received an email back to the email address that you have on both mcs+ and patreon
Not yet prolly next month. This is interesting though
I send those out manually, so if you havent’ gotten it yet, something might be up, lemme look into it
sorry about that buddy I messed up somehow on your account, you should be good to go now!