Brian Sims slam Republican colleagues over keeping their COVID-19 exposure secret
Added on May 29th, 2020 by tiki bot | Report Post
Tags:Awesome Things, Corona Virus Outbreak of 2020, Politics
Tags:Awesome Things, Corona Virus Outbreak of 2020, Politics
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He is a cuck, and I hope he receives an official censure.
Why is it for every interesting comment you make (anti-looting); you make 9, or more, absolutely loony comments.
Brian Sims delivery could have been more measured and concise; less over the top, but he has a very valid points.
I don’t have a single co-worked who hasn’t been exposed to multiple covid patients. He sounds like a whiny bitch
He has a part time job that he makes a stupid amount of money doing.
A job He does, badly.
Here is another persons view, not my own.
“turned deadly”? Who died?
Also, Roe v. Wade determined that a mother’s right to privacy outweighed the taking of a baby’s life because of the “negative effects” the mother might suffer from the public stigma, so shouldn’t Rep. Diamond’s privacy win out, EVEN if Sims catches the ‘rona from him, and EVEN if Sims dies as a result?
Seems completely consistent with the Dems’ favorite SC ruling ever from where I’m sitting.
I can see, and even understand you viewpoint.
I just do not, personally, agree with it.
For one to think their-selves are working in relative safety, to discover that specific co-workers are knowingly undermining their intent to keep their families relatively safe is criminal.
I am not intending to detract the brave good that you are doing out there. You carry on already knowing that you are not in relative safety.
Like I said before, Brian Sims delivery could have been more measured and concise; less over the top, but he has a very valid points.