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    Great to see alleged progressives throw the whole “believe women” thing and the Me Too movement under the bus so readily. Really, truly good stuff. Enjoy your 4 more years of Trump. If anyone can get the amoral criminal piece of shit re-elected while he shits the bed during a global pandemic, it’s you lot.

    tiki god

    “believe women” was always bullshit and it should have never have been on the table. “take them seriously” is what everyone needs to do, and by god they took this girl seriously, believed her and investigated appropriately, finding absolutely nothing to collaborate her accusations.


    No, no they didn’t take her seriously. Nor did they really investigate it appropriately (the recent Vox article comes close, sort of, the hit piece from Politico is an embarrassment to journalism). The fact of the matter is, there is no way to conclusively prove one way or another whether things went down the way she claims they did. And we will probably never know for sure. But hot damn some folks sure are quick to pretend otherwise.

    tiki god

    Who’s the “they” in your bullshit paragraph? I know News Hour has done multiple hours of coverage and investigation ON AIR, interviewed 40+ people involved and not a single person corroborated anything other than the fact that Biden was in the habit of going to the gym. That’s just PBS, there’s been dozens of other organizations that have done their own investigations.

    not a single one of them have come up with anything, then to add to all that, her lawyer fired her this week, saying that it was in no way, not at all, certainly not, because she didn’t have a leg to stand on. It was just time to move on.


    Same “they” as in your bullshit paragraph, mate. And spare me the character assassination bullshit. Has she lied, has she done bad things? Sure. Does that mean that nothing happened? Newsflash: bad things can happen to bad people too.

    As for no corroborating evidence? What the fuck do you call court docs from 19motherfucking96 where her ex husband says something happened? ( )

    Now, rational people would sift through all the statements and evidence both for and against her version of what happened and walk away deeply unsure of what happened. But hey, fuck that. She’s a lying bitch who is lying again. End of story. Not a shred of fucking doubt, right?

    tiki god

    The “They” in my statement was well defined, but you’re still not naming names, and all the while saying that her husband of all people is the one that we should be believing?


    “EX” husband. In 1996. Did you miss that part? In 19… motherfucking… 96. Or do you figure that there was some sort of conspiracy between them, in the midst of an acrimonious breakup, that in case Joe Biden does rise to enough of a position of power to run for president, they should lay the seeds for his downfall by starting to concoct a story 20+ years before his run.

    So does all this mean I am convinced she is telling the truth? I dunno. The whole “here it comes” tweet she did to whatsisname is troubling, for one thing. Sure makes it look like it was coldly conceived and timed. Though it is also not outside the realm of possibility that a troubled and not entirely stable person who has a political agenda might reveal a real incident of sexual assault in a manner that tries to “score the most points” against the perpetrator.

    Again… a rational person with no agenda would look at the whole mess, all the spilled ink and pixels, consider the who what where how and why etc, and go “whelp, I honestly don’t know one way or the other”. But who wants to do that? Let’s all rush to judgement instead. And I’ll be the first to admit that a lot of my actually left-of-centre brethren are a tad too eager to take it all as fact proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. But on the establishment Dem side of the fence, the whole “she’s a bad person and therefore she couldn’t possibly be telling the truth” hot take is one truly bad fucking look.

    tiki god

    I’m going to assume that at one point her “ex” husband was her “current” husband, which would mean they were close enough that he would believe her.

    Anyone that can look at the completely lack of evidence from all the investigations that have been completed and say “well get I just don’t know”…well we know where they stand now, don’t we?

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