I hate to admit this, but I’d never seen this film before. I’m a Stanley Kubrick fan, I’m a fan of Jack Nicholson, and Steven King’s adapted stories are usually pretty good, but from what I knew of the movie, it was just about a guy going crazy up in the snow capped mountains. I was under that false assumption until it’s sequel was released and the trailers made no sense to me. I mentioned this to my wife and she set me straight. It’s a fantastic movie and definitely changes how I view “Ready Player One” a little bit. Maybe I’ll go back and re-watch that to see what I missed.
The Shining
Added on May 11th, 2020 by tiki god | Report Post
Tags:Movie Posters, Movie Reviews, Movies, The Shining
Tags:Movie Posters, Movie Reviews, Movies, The Shining
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