Trump Admin Buries CDC Reopening Guide It ‘Will Never See the Light of Day’
Added on May 8th, 2020 by tiki bot | Report Post
Tags:Corona Virus Outbreak of 2020, Donald Trump, Science!
Tags:Corona Virus Outbreak of 2020, Donald Trump, Science!
Trump demands that you die to secure his re-election.
why does he always think he knows better than the educated professionals who were hired to do the job??? why during this hole PANDEMIC has trump NOT ALLOWED the head of the CDC to talk to the press??? because he’s such an arrogant egomaniac he can’t let anyone be in the spot light but him. fucking disgraceful.
Because he’s a malignant narcissist and an ultracrepidarian. He honestly thinks he’s the world’s foremost expert on EVERYTHING. His daddy’s riches meant he never had to suffer for his bad decisions.