Gotta agree here. Now, if you removed the “2” cake and this person was turning 7, then yeah, this would have ruined that kid’s birthday. 27? Pffff. Be thankful you’re alive. Covid-19 has actually ruined that for a some people.
I can’t agree at all, I usually like going out for a nice steak dinner and a blow job from Carl down the street, but now I can’t even get out to the grocery store
You’re a adult. It ruined nothing.
Gotta agree here. Now, if you removed the “2” cake and this person was turning 7, then yeah, this would have ruined that kid’s birthday. 27? Pffff. Be thankful you’re alive. Covid-19 has actually ruined that for a some people.
I can’t agree at all, I usually like going out for a nice steak dinner and a blow job from Carl down the street, but now I can’t even get out to the grocery store
You’re a Florida man, aren’t you Tiki….?
damn right
I bet you’re an absolute BLAST at parties.