The deep state has been Publicly planning to take out Iran since Bush jr.
It won’t be Trump calling the tune if we do.
Remember how Under Obama a bunch of Our sailors In small craft “got lost” in Iran waters.
And then somehow failed to destroy their Secret (If not too secret) commo equipment — Even though all us commo equipment can be wiped with the turn/push of a button.
And of course, tossing it into the huge salt water they were floating on would have worked to?
Same with the chemical weapons in Syria that obama damned near fell for. Sure wasn’t the Syrian government using them, but we damned near went to war over it, and it was only Russia’s huge swinging dick that stopped us.
Of course, the deep state didn’t have to try and push The Bushes into action. They were both part of the CIA.
The deep state has been Publicly planning to take out Iran since Bush jr.
It won’t be Trump calling the tune if we do.
Remember how Under Obama a bunch of Our sailors In small craft “got lost” in Iran waters.
And then somehow failed to destroy their Secret (If not too secret) commo equipment — Even though all us commo equipment can be wiped with the turn/push of a button.
And of course, tossing it into the huge salt water they were floating on would have worked to?
Same with the chemical weapons in Syria that obama damned near fell for. Sure wasn’t the Syrian government using them, but we damned near went to war over it, and it was only Russia’s huge swinging dick that stopped us.
Of course, the deep state didn’t have to try and push The Bushes into action. They were both part of the CIA.
What flavor is the Kool Aid, Granny?
Which part do you think isn’t true?
Do even the slightest amount of digging man. We’re all about knocking over 3rd world countries to shore up the all mighty Petroleum-dollar.