Robert Neville may well be the last living man on Earth . . . but he is not alone.
If you’ve seen the movie, I suggest this, the original story it was based on.
It’s only $2 on amazon right now!
Robert Neville may well be the last living man on Earth . . . but he is not alone.
If you’ve seen the movie, I suggest this, the original story it was based on.
It’s only $2 on amazon right now!
The first film made from this scared the bejeeziz out of me when I was a kid,
Oh sure. Here I am secluded in my home trying to avoid dying from a virus, and I can’t upload any content to this site. WTF
what’s your error?
Well, that was weird. Now it’s fine. Last night it wouldn’t accept anything I tried to submit.
not weird at all, I’m spending so much time at home myself that I’m “fixing” stuff throughout the day.
I think I broke something last night when I was trying to fix the gfycat embeds, then I think I fixed it this morning after your comment.
I think at least, ¯\_(?)_/¯