South Korea, a very populated country on a very small land mass isn’t doing this. No restrictions at all, going for classic herd immunity.
Their numbers of positive cv-19 cases is very low.
This is fear mongering.
They’ve tested a lot more people.
They ARE doing this, on top of doing mass testing of everyone, in a frequent testing system. If you get a positive result, you and everyone that has been in contact with you gets a more in depth test, then forced quarantine.
stop spreading lies.
South Korea is treating the sick. They are not implementing widespread, blanket quarantines, which is what this shows.
You are going to get a loved one killed.
how is it you are always wrong??
This is not fear mongering. This approach works well. Especially if you don’t have a robust, well coordinated single payer health care system.
South Korea, a very populated country on a very small land mass isn’t doing this. No restrictions at all, going for classic herd immunity.
Their numbers of positive cv-19 cases is very low.
This is fear mongering.
They’ve tested a lot more people.
They ARE doing this, on top of doing mass testing of everyone, in a frequent testing system. If you get a positive result, you and everyone that has been in contact with you gets a more in depth test, then forced quarantine.
stop spreading lies.
South Korea is treating the sick. They are not implementing widespread, blanket quarantines, which is what this shows.
You are going to get a loved one killed.
how is it you are always wrong??
This is not fear mongering. This approach works well. Especially if you don’t have a robust, well coordinated single payer health care system.