The trailers and commentary about this movie before it was released seemed worried about the comedy and softening of Hitler, but what the movie turned out to be was so much more than I was expecting. Sure, Hitler is here, as played by Taika Waititi, but he’s what a 10 year old boy would imagine him to be. WW2 is happening in the background, but I’d argue that the war itself is less important than the family dynamic that’s happening with Jojo, his mom, the hidden Jewish friend, and Sam Rockwell’s character, all of them played straight, sometimes to a fault. The only one not being serious here is Rebel Wilson, who has some fantastic scenes that cracked me up.
Jojo Rabbit
Added on February 15th, 2020 by tiki god | Report Post
Tags:Adolf Hitler, Movie Posters, Movie Reviews, Movies, Nazis, World War 2
Tags:Adolf Hitler, Movie Posters, Movie Reviews, Movies, Nazis, World War 2
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