Aliens: Newt’s Tale is a two-issue comic book based on the film Aliens that was first published by Dark Horse Comics from June-July 1992. It was written by Mike Richardson, based on the original screenplay by James Cameron, and was pencilled by Jim Somerville, inked by Brian Garvey, colored by Gregory Wright, lettered by Pat Brosseau, and edited by Randy Stradley, with cover art by John Bolton. While ostensibly an adaptation of the movie, it is presented entirely from the perspective of Newt…
You would think with a name like “newt’s tale” you’d see more of Newt than anyone else, but this is just a straight up adaption of the movie, and not a very good one. The art is pretty rough, the story is rushed, and there’s not a whole lot that I can say about it that’s very positive.
It’s a two book series that I regret spending $10 total on, this s more like a $2 story.
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