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    The Second Amendment was never intended to be the “openly brandish weapons that can kill thirty people a minute” shitfest that it has become. There is ample evidence that it was intended to create the National Guard and little more. To “bear arms” had a strictly military meaning in that time period.

    Old Tofu

    and yet the supreme court still refuses to yield to your opinions , the guns aren’t the problem , a media which thrives on attention,fear mongering,and glorifying murderers to make money is the problem. the weapons have been around for ages, as a matter of fact there are 2 AR’s in the next room not bothering anybody.

    Old Tofu

    and by the way it probably wouldn’t be so easy for the chinese government to abuse hong kong if they had armed militias. . that’s what the meme is trying to communicate


    You are probably right in a partial sense. In a short term way it would make it more difficult for them to abuse Hong Kong. However this is a regime that has literally tanked over people until they are mince – the world knows it and they have lied about it. One major factor preventing a (more) heavy handed approach to the Hong Kong protests is the fact that the world’s attention is on them. China are a global commerce now – they do worry about how they look – their economy is affected by it. Those protestors with guns are not going to beat the Chinese government in an armed insurrection – they may resists for a while – bit they are no match. Also arms will give the Chinese government a spin to stick to for global reporting. Any protestors with guns will be held up as law breakers and armed insurrectionists used as an excuse for more heavy handed treatment – Lies yes, but they just need enough evidence to balls it out. As an American you should know about this sort of spin – you have Trump – it’s called “Lying”. This meme keeps being posted as if Hong Kong are looking to America’s gun ‘rights’ with jealousy. This is not the case. Hong Kong want their freedom and democracy on their own terms.


    The Supreme Court made a decision they knew was wrong due to being paid off. The guns are the problem. There is no legit reason for a civilian to own an AR. The damage they do make hunting with them stupid, as the meat and/or trophies are damaged to the point of unusability. They were designed to kill a lot of humans in a short time. I’m gonna be hearing about you on the news.

    Old Tofu

    spoken like someone reading propaganda and no gun experience. . . most commonly used military rifle round is the 7.62×51 commonly known as a .308 , wanna guess what one of the most used rounds for hunting is? a .308 , the 5.56 round the ar15 uses is significantly less powerful.5,56 is more often used to hunt varmints from rabbits up to coyotes , and rarely is it allowed to hunt deer with , whereas a 308 can be used to take down every large animal in north america. if you have some sort of proof regarding the SUPREME COURT PAYOFF you should probably start writing about it because no evidence of that exists.

    Old Tofu
    Old Tofu

    Old Tofu

    so sorry , was I NOT supposed to shoot the people who tried to kill me, fuck u and your downvotes


    @Old Tofu: Where there are more guns, there is more gun violence. So, yes, guns ARE (a significant part of) the problem.

    Old Tofu

    tell that to Switzerland

    Old Tofu

    where there are pools , there are more drownings

    tiki god

    You make a great point, more pools DO lead to more drownings, which is why most cities that care about such things require fencing around unattended pools and offer swim lessons to anyone interested.

    Old Tofu

    just as there are many that require guns be stored certain ways,require licensing to carry concealed etc. things can be made safer without banning things. who would have thought? only the simple minded and the scared start bans and limiting their own freedoms. you’d think we would have learned from the bans on alcohol and drugs. they both worked out well .


    I love the standard saying “guns aren’t problem”, we hear it all the time from the people who think an attack on ANY gun is a violation of the second amendment. The people of this country have been passing sensible gun laws in this country for decades without violating the second amendment. While I agree ALL guns are not the problem, some guns, to any sane person anyway, clearly are a HUGE problem. Mass shooters choose their weapons for exactly the same reason criminals in the 20’s and 30’s, like Clyde Barrow, who’s weapon of choice was a BAR, or Machine Gun Kelly, who loved his Thompson, chose the types of weapons they chose, lots of firepower down range as quickly as possible. What did the good citizens of the 30’s do when criminals where shooting up towns and cites across the country with fully automatic weapons??? They recognized that these types of weapons WERE THE PROBLEM, clear as day. They recognized that to live in free society you could not have criminals running around with fully automatic weapons and they banned them from the general public. Was it a perfect solution, maybe not but it worked for the most part, kind of like most laws. Please stop with all the nonsense, everyone can see the problem, let’s work together to find a sensible solution that will work for the benefit of the people of this country instead of the typical pointing fingers and name calling.

    Old Tofu

    With an average of 13,657 homicides per year during the 2007-2017 timeframe, about one-tenth of one percent of homicides were produced by mass shootings involving AR-15s. . . . numbers matter.


    So how many is that exactly. How many deaths caused ny this product in 10 years.
    We banned lawn darts over 3 deaths you know…..

    Old Tofu

    173 over 10 years, With an average of 13,657 homicides per year means an average of 17 per year , means you still have 13640 you are comfortable not banning anything for? lawn darts were being given to children to go outside and play with, are you giving children guns?

    tiki god

    Lawn darts were only given to children by irresponsible parents, which is what happens with guns too. Down here in Florida there was outrage when a law was suggested to limit how many guns a 10 year old could own and the NRA let government was clutching their pearls, gasping about how it was going to ruin their children’s childhoods.

    Old Tofu

    while I’m at it , what crimes do u think limiting anyone’s number of firearms would reduce? I’m in florida for over 30 years and have not noticed many 10 year olds committing crimes with firearms, so what gives? it was ok for trumps dad to start putting buildings under his 8 year old sons name , so why if I die can’t I leave my gun collection to my kid? no one is saying he still wouldn’t need to be supervised or certain guns(handguns,etc) kept by their guardian till legal age for them. sounds like another bullshit law meant to make someone look like they were accomplishing something


    So a lot more than lawn darts then.

    Old Tofu

    way to miss the point , guess u want to ban cars ,swimming pools, swing sets, playgrounds, etc . . .u and your rubber padded dream world


    I’ve never been robbed by someone brandishing a swimming pool.

    Old Tofu

    nor have u been robbed by someone with lawn darts . . .he wants to ban anything that causes 3 deaths or more, so I guess its back to walking to work, but only if u have a safe enough job for gropegrope’s rubber padded world


    Uh…no. I’m talking about deaths.
    You know….human compassion, public safety…that shit…?

    A little more grownup than cool toys that go bang.

    Old Tofu

    LITERALLY WHAT I WROTE. read the words and try again. YOU WANT TO BAN ANYTHING THAT CAUSES 3 DEATHS , THAT’S YOUR EXAMPLE , YOUR WORDS , stick it up your ass dipshit. when faced with facts all u can do is try and muddy the waters with babble and bullshit.

    tiki god

    I’m aware that the playbooks says that if you can’t argue the facts, attack the person stating them, but please mind your P’s and Q’s, this isn’t a Wild West saloon where anything is permitted.

    Old Tofu

    where am i not arguing the facts? grope grope always strays off topic and tries to mix conversations as if some one was responding to him. IT’S AN ASSHOLE MOVE. if you try to justify your argument by saying that something that causes 3 deaths should be banned you’re living in a fantasy world and need to grow up. I give actual numbers and facts and people here choose to play stupid. get bent


    You cant see the ridiculousness of banning an item for three deaths, but ignoring 173 deaths…?
    OK then.

    tiki god

    I’m more concerned with the ad hominem attacks instead of the attacks on the ideas.

    Old Tofu

    that’s because there were no attacks on the ideas, no one has tried to counter anything I’ve provided. the idiots on here are just frightened little minds sucked into the fear mongering from the news and have no facts to back it up. nothing nut emotions and fears. sorry I don’t scare or bend over as the people on here. even u still haven’t responded to your “limit 10 year olds” comment.



    Old Tofu

    swimming pools, swing sets, playgrounds,cars, ladders, there are approximately 1000 deaths per year from electricity in the US, etc. . . all these things cause deaths,going from your argument one can assume you would want a ban on all of these unsafe things. in the United States, on average, 3,536 people died from drowning annually(that means every year) from 2005 to 2014, that’s 10 a day. all more deaths than rifles and lawn darts combined. do you have any facts? or are u as usual living in a fantasy world where u want to just get rid of things that scare YOU.

    Old Tofu

    down here grope , this is where you were being spoken to


    So the guy who brings up pools is calling me names for bringing up lawn darts…?
    Too funny.
    Ridiculous and pointless as always Tofu…

    Old Tofu

    I have yet to see any arguments over the facts presented so where is your argument?


    You haven’t made an argument.
    And I never said something that caused 3 deaths should be banned.
    I said that something that caused 3 deaths was banned.
    Something that causes 30,000 deaths a year hasn’t been.
    I just find that interesting.

    Old Tofu

    you brought it up , but it’s not your point or idea,ok. now you’re going to try and change from ar rifles to all guns to get that 30,000 , of which 65% are suicides,15% are by law enforcement,17% are through criminal activity,3% are accidental discharge deaths,So technically, “gun violence” is not 30,000 annually, but drops to 5,100. Now lets look at how those deaths spanned across the nation.
    480 homicides (9.4%) were in Chicago
    344 homicides (6.7%) were in Baltimore
    333 homicides (6.5%) were in Detroit
    119 homicides (2.3%) were in Washington D.C. So basically, 25% of all gun crime happens in just 4 cities. All 4 of those cities have strict gun laws, so it is not the lack of law that is the root cause. so going back to the original statement I was responding to by tj755 claiming that assault rifles “to any sane person anyway, clearly are a HUGE problem” I think that should be enough of a point for someone as dense as you to see. by the way 210,000 die in the US due to medical errors but the media doesn’t fear monger about it so you pay it no attention. interesting.


    aaw, lawn darts. AKA JARTS. If only I had known that I could have “accidentally” killed my sister… sigh. Opportunity missed.

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