shit brush

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    Brevity Truta

    Looks terrible doesn’t it. That’s activated charcoal. Good stuff. Unbelievable surface area. You don’t have toothpastes with that in? You know, you can swallow poisons, use activated charcoal, and live? It’s used for that in hospitals to counter poisonings at times. It makes a good poultice, too. That sounds medieval, I guess ha. She’s using it for the whitening effect and drawing out bacteria.

    In 1831 Professor Pierre-Fleurus Touéry, a pharmacist out of Montpellier France …in front of the French Academy of Medicine (Academie Francaise) saw Touéry ingest a dose of strychnine, that was ten times higher than what was required to be a lethal dose.
    Touéry took 15 grams of activated carbon along with his lethal dose of strychnine and stood in front of his audience as they all watched and waited in awe. They kept waiting, and waiting… yet nothing happened. Touéry’s shocked audience watched as the professor walked away from the event unharmed ~ proof enough for the medical community that activated charcoal benefits were real and worth researching further. From here


    Yes, if you’re not living in some “shithole country”, or watched: “The Borgias, you know about “activated choracal” properties and applications.

    And since we’re in the “stomach area” – silverware, as in cutlery made of silver, wasn’t made of silver just because it’s shiny, noble metal, that’s rust resistant.

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