Opinion I was fired after my cartoon satirizing Trump went viral Here’s why it matters
Added on July 14th, 2019 by tiki bot | Report Post
Tags:Comic Books, Donald Trump, Politics, Wallpaper
Tags:Comic Books, Donald Trump, Politics, Wallpaper
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John McCain has more stolen valor then all three of these guys combined. So there is that.
Donald Trump dodged the draft all together with phony bone spurs, so there’s that. And that’s true, unlike your bogus point.
He was honest enough to not support a illegal war.
And his record of support for the military as a private citizen is well documented. In fact I’ve personally served with soldiers who have benefited by his largess.
he sure does talk a good game, but when it comes time to put action into those words, he’s fucked over more military families and survivors than we can count.
John McCain was a POW in Vietnam and you should be very, very ashamed of yourself. Typical Trump Cult member, willing to slander a great man in the name of your lying, petulant Fuhrer.
John McCain is guilty of treason and should have been shot for it.
But tell me more about how I’m a Trump Fan boy and not just someone who has a problem with Officers not being held accountable to the UCMJ. Odd that so many NCOs seem to have a problem with that…men like Ted Sampley who’s record & character are impeccable.
what the fuck are you talking about?