Tell me, *specifically*, what they did that was illegal. If the answer is “Nothing”, or something similar, then I’d advocate for *more* of this behavior, not less.
Also, speaking as a lifetime Oregon resident, I can categorically state that the most dangerous thing in the capitol isn’t these guys, it’s the *GOVERNOR*.
Sounds completely bizarre, I thought Oregon was full of hippies and vampires, all five hundred of them.
“Boquist shocked the Capitol after making threats against Oregon State Police officers and Courtney. Democratic senators raised a series of questions and concerns during a caucus meeting before the floor session, including that Boquist might bring a firearm onto the Senate floor (which is legal).”
What a terrible and sensationalist article. HUR DUR PEOPLE WITH GUNS ARE DANGEROUS. 3pers are there own kind of stupid, no one will argue that.
While I by no means lean Democrat or Republican (firm libertarian Oregon resident), the R minority did what they had to do to stop our state from getting steamrolled with new laws that will do nothing other than burden the little guy with added taxes and costs. If this cap and trade bill was so important, why didn’t the senate want it as a ballot measure?
The R’s walked out to protest SB798 (terribly heavy handed gun control bill written by high schoolers) as well as a mandatory vaccine bill that the D’s were looking to push through earlier this year and walking out again due to SB2020 let them exercise what little power they had.
I’d say a peaceful protest of walking out was an entirely appropriate response to the bills that were attempted to be passed with little to no input from the public.
but the Governor DOES have that authority to compel attendance to form a quorum, and it’s been done before, in that very state. They have their own law enforcement agency just for these types of situations.
I’m darkly humored by how finely this hair is being split.
The Legislature’s top lawyer advised lawmakers in 2016 that the state Constitution gives the governor the power to order state police to arrest absent lawmakers.
But, Legislative Counsel Dexter Johnson wrote, state troopers only have the power to arrest missing lawmakers in Oregon, not in other states or in Canada.
“Nothing thinly veiled,” Boquist wrote. “I have been in political coup attempts. I have been held hostage overseas. I have been jailed politically overseas … Not going to be arrested as a political prisoner in Oregon period.”
As Willamette Week has reported, Boquist is a U.S. Army veteran whose businesses include military training and an international operation that journalists described in the 1990s as a paramilitary force of armed American and Russian ex-military officers.
Boquist contends that state troopers only have the power to enforce criminal violations and arrest warrants, not to compel absent lawmakers to return to the Capitol during a legislative session.
In recent emails with Boquist, legislative lawyers have provided copies of their earlier legal opinions that the Legislature has the ability under the state Constitution to have a sergeant at arms or — with the governor’s approval – the Oregon State Police arrest absent members in order to compel their attendance at the Capitol.
Boquist, however, chalked up the lawyers’ conclusions in support of the practice as partisan favors to Democrats.
So, in closing, the governors does not have the Governor does the Oregon state police. Any such arrest would be unlawful, and it is of course lawful to use any force necessary to prevent an unlawful arrest and kidnapping.
I’d love to see your logic flip upside down the next time a ‘sovereign citizen’ is being arrested “illegally”. Do you feel they get to shoot cops in the face too?
Additionally Senate Rule 3.01(2) allows the Senate to compel attendance, and that is done by the Senates SGT at arms.
HOWEVER the State Police are only allowed to do the following: “the state police, with the approval of the Governor, may be called upon by any other branch or department of the state government to enforce criminal laws or any regulation of such branch or department.”
However they are breaking no criminal law or regulation. They are at most, breaking a rule, which they OSP has no authority to enforce.
Additionally it is a direct violation of the separation of powers. With the Executive compelling the legislator into actions and it violates the Oregon Constitution. I quote the Oregon Constitution: “The powers of the Government shall be divided into three separate branches, the Legislative, the Executive, including the administrative, and the Judicial; and no person charged with official duties under one of these branches, shall exercise any of the functions of another, except as in this Constitution expressly provided”
Which doesn’t even begin to consider the fact that it is unconstitutional to arrest a member of the Oregon Congress. Again I quote their Constitution.
“Senators and Representatives in all cases, except for treason, felony, or breaches of the peace, shall be privileged from arrest during the session of the Legislative Assembly, and in going to and returning from the same; and shall not be subject to any civil process during the session of the Legislative Assembly, nor during the fifteen days next before the commencement thereof.”
We seriously need to crack down on Y’all Qaeda, or we’re gonna be seeing more of this shit.
Join or Die.
Tell me, *specifically*, what they did that was illegal. If the answer is “Nothing”, or something similar, then I’d advocate for *more* of this behavior, not less.
threatening to kill cops is pretty illegal.
They never threatened to kill cops.
They’ve made it clear they will prevent people from being kidnapped.
Also, speaking as a lifetime Oregon resident, I can categorically state that the most dangerous thing in the capitol isn’t these guys, it’s the *GOVERNOR*.
Thank you for you’re boots on the ground report.
Y’ all Qaeda. Ha, nice one.
Sounds completely bizarre, I thought Oregon was full of hippies and vampires, all five hundred of them.
“Boquist shocked the Capitol after making threats against Oregon State Police officers and Courtney. Democratic senators raised a series of questions and concerns during a caucus meeting before the floor session, including that Boquist might bring a firearm onto the Senate floor (which is legal).”
(what). Also — Boquist looks like a cross between Hitler and Littlefinger.
What a terrible and sensationalist article. HUR DUR PEOPLE WITH GUNS ARE DANGEROUS. 3pers are there own kind of stupid, no one will argue that.
While I by no means lean Democrat or Republican (firm libertarian Oregon resident), the R minority did what they had to do to stop our state from getting steamrolled with new laws that will do nothing other than burden the little guy with added taxes and costs. If this cap and trade bill was so important, why didn’t the senate want it as a ballot measure?
The R’s walked out to protest SB798 (terribly heavy handed gun control bill written by high schoolers) as well as a mandatory vaccine bill that the D’s were looking to push through earlier this year and walking out again due to SB2020 let them exercise what little power they had.
I’d say a peaceful protest of walking out was an entirely appropriate response to the bills that were attempted to be passed with little to no input from the public.
I don’t think anyone would have batted an eye if it was another “peaceful protest” but here’s a direct quote from one of the Republicans:
That’s an explicit statement that he’s going to murder anyone that comes to legally bring him back to the state capitol building to fill the quorum.
No. It is a firm statement that he will defend his right as a citizen and elected member of the legislative body to peacefully abstain.
The Governor has no legal authority to compel presence of any member of the legislative body.
It is legal for a person to defend themselves from kidnappers.
The Governor and any members of the state police should be in jail for conspiracy to commit kidnapping.
but the Governor DOES have that authority to compel attendance to form a quorum, and it’s been done before, in that very state. They have their own law enforcement agency just for these types of situations.
I’m darkly humored by how finely this hair is being split.
There is disagreement over the legality. And the opnion is issued by a lawyer. Not a Jury.
The Legislature’s top lawyer advised lawmakers in 2016 that the state Constitution gives the governor the power to order state police to arrest absent lawmakers.
But, Legislative Counsel Dexter Johnson wrote, state troopers only have the power to arrest missing lawmakers in Oregon, not in other states or in Canada.
“Nothing thinly veiled,” Boquist wrote. “I have been in political coup attempts. I have been held hostage overseas. I have been jailed politically overseas … Not going to be arrested as a political prisoner in Oregon period.”
As Willamette Week has reported, Boquist is a U.S. Army veteran whose businesses include military training and an international operation that journalists described in the 1990s as a paramilitary force of armed American and Russian ex-military officers.
Boquist contends that state troopers only have the power to enforce criminal violations and arrest warrants, not to compel absent lawmakers to return to the Capitol during a legislative session.
In recent emails with Boquist, legislative lawyers have provided copies of their earlier legal opinions that the Legislature has the ability under the state Constitution to have a sergeant at arms or — with the governor’s approval – the Oregon State Police arrest absent members in order to compel their attendance at the Capitol.
Boquist, however, chalked up the lawyers’ conclusions in support of the practice as partisan favors to Democrats.
So, in closing, the governors does not have the Governor does the Oregon state police. Any such arrest would be unlawful, and it is of course lawful to use any force necessary to prevent an unlawful arrest and kidnapping.
I’d love to see your logic flip upside down the next time a ‘sovereign citizen’ is being arrested “illegally”. Do you feel they get to shoot cops in the face too?
there is virtually NO disagreement on the legality of the Governor’s actions.
Additionally Senate Rule 3.01(2) allows the Senate to compel attendance, and that is done by the Senates SGT at arms.
HOWEVER the State Police are only allowed to do the following: “the state police, with the approval of the Governor, may be called upon by any other branch or department of the state government to enforce criminal laws or any regulation of such branch or department.”
However they are breaking no criminal law or regulation. They are at most, breaking a rule, which they OSP has no authority to enforce.
Additionally it is a direct violation of the separation of powers. With the Executive compelling the legislator into actions and it violates the Oregon Constitution. I quote the Oregon Constitution: “The powers of the Government shall be divided into three separate branches, the Legislative, the Executive, including the administrative, and the Judicial; and no person charged with official duties under one of these branches, shall exercise any of the functions of another, except as in this Constitution expressly provided”
Which doesn’t even begin to consider the fact that it is unconstitutional to arrest a member of the Oregon Congress. Again I quote their Constitution.
“Senators and Representatives in all cases, except for treason, felony, or breaches of the peace, shall be privileged from arrest during the session of the Legislative Assembly, and in going to and returning from the same; and shall not be subject to any civil process during the session of the Legislative Assembly, nor during the fifteen days next before the commencement thereof.”