Holding for run completion
Another entertaining look inside what makes DC comics happen and what’s coming up soon.
Bad art and a boring story, I regret picking this up. The cover is cool though, but I get the impression from the interior story that this person is not Hal Jordon?
Still kicking ass and taking names and looking for the boss guy to kill.
Hey I remember this story from when it was Fantastic Four 1234. Great art and direction though.
Heroes on the run! Continuing one of the best ongoing stories from Marvel.
An interesting look into how Solo got his name and what “solo” essentially means in the Star Wars universe, which is a small and minor change that changes literally everything you knew about the character.
Fantastic comic that I strongly suggest to anyone that has the mind to read something fun and amazing. It’s not actually the first “Trump’s Titans” book, something I didn’t know until this issue got to me, but it says that all the issues are number one because Super Trump only puts his name on things that are #1. It’s seriously one of the best mocucomics I’ve read yet.
Back Issues Fun:
Science Dog Written by Kirkman (Walking Dead, Invincible) at the peak of when he was doing comics and not being a media empire runner and boy howdy it shows. If you liked Invincible at it’s greatest, you’ll like Science Dog. It’s a short story though, so even though it has great art and a fantastic story, there’s only enough to get you interested and not enough to really satiate your hunger for more quality Kirkman product.