Maybe like Susan Unterberg did – over 20 years she provided grants anonymously to up and coming female artists so they could focus on their art instead of waiting tables.
Or like Bill and Melinda Gates, who with Warren Buffet took on the Millenium Development Goals (RIP Kofi Annan) and has vaccinated, educated, and provided basic nutrition to kids in the 4th world – saving about 122M lives.
I’d start a foundation.
Maybe like Susan Unterberg did – over 20 years she provided grants anonymously to up and coming female artists so they could focus on their art instead of waiting tables.
Or like Bill and Melinda Gates, who with Warren Buffet took on the Millenium Development Goals (RIP Kofi Annan) and has vaccinated, educated, and provided basic nutrition to kids in the 4th world – saving about 122M lives.
That way, I can spend my days being a dirty old man trolling seedy bars while actually doing some good for the world.
HErp a derp, looks like I caught the disease Flood123 had.
Meant to post here: