“Toxic Masculinity: The Movie”, Wanted is loosely based on a comic about a league of super assassin villains that all got together one day and decided to just kill all the good guys, then take over the world. In the movie version, there’s no super villainry, no super heroes, no super suits, and no limits to the depths they’ll go to make you feel like a “pussy” if you haven’t killed someone lately. All that said, it’s a fun ride, if predicable at times.
Fun note, if you’ve seen this movie before, you’ll likely remember a scene in which our Hero realizes that he’s a MAN, proceeds to scream at his overweight female boss, then uses his ergonomic keyboard to assault his coworker / best friend, knocking a few teeth out with a few keys that all spell out “fuck you”. The guy that’s getting his teeth knocked out? That’s Chris Pratt. Yeah, I was surprised to not remember him in this movie, but honestly other than peak Angelina Jolie, there’s not much else that’s memorable about the film.