Electra Woman and Dyna Girl review

MV5BMjI3MDg2NzQ4Ml5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMjk2Nzg1NjE@. V1 SY1000 CR006271000 AL Electra Woman and Dyna Girl

ELECTRA WOMAN & DYNA GIRL follows two superheroes Electra Woman (Grace Helbig) and Dyna Girl (Hannah Hart) as they move from Akron to Los Angeles in hopes of making it big in the crime fighting world, only to find competition with other vigilantes and infighting amongst themselves.

  • Hannah Hart!  she’s cute as a damn button!
  • chalk line had a hole in it, lmao
  • never showing the villain’s face, golly I wonder who it could be!
  • Toilet talking: Honestly this is one of the most disgusting things that I’ve ever experienced personally, who in the world thinks it’s appropriate to be actively evactuating your bowels while talking to someone on the telephon
  • Uber, where’s the Uber, are you my Uber? Brought to you by Uber, driven by uberman, “IT’s Uber Time”. I just wish they were a little more obvious with their product placements, I almost
  • missed this one.
  • no wait, there’s more: Uber-tastic, Uber-baby
  • The “Let’s Suit Up!” scene had me in stitches
  • The way they ended the fight with the big bad was inspired and something that has been discussed as one of the few ways to kill someone as powerful as Superman

honestly, this was a great movie.  it’s pretty low budget, but there’s some good super hero tropes here with some pretty interesting acting choices.  Not going to win any awards, but this movie really spoke to me as a comic fan.  If you’ve seen both the original tv series and this movie, how do they compare?

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