Mini Metro game review

71PMvwoxNfL 1024x500 Mini Metro

Mini Metro is a game about designing a subway map for a growing city. Draw lines between stations and start your trains running. Keep your routes efficient by redrawing them as new stations open. Decide where to use your limited resources. How long can you keep the city moving?

I was able to snag this in a PC coin sale on, I’ve had my eye on it for a while, and since those coins were technically “free” I figured this was a good opportunity to try it out, and I’m happy I did!

Mini Metro is highly addictive and has a very simple concept. You have to get people from point A to point B. Then, point C appears, and new points continue to appear over the course of the game until there’s too many people waiting at each of the points and the level ends. there’s no tutorial because honestly, that’s it. There’s some power ups and you can add in new trains and cars to the trains as you advance, along with an “unlimited” mode where there are no overloaded terminals, just people wanting to get from point A to point B. Games usually last about 5-10 minutes, maybe if you get really damn good at it they can last longer, but I have’t had one go longer than 15 minutes.

I highly suggest the game, with the one small caveat is that this is the type of pattern matching game that made me dream about it last night, something that hasn’t happened in a while.

91Tr2VfXnAL 1024x600 Mini Metro

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