you used the gallery code with specific attachment IDs mentioned and when it move from plus to the main site, it got alllll confused.
if you do use the gallery code, just do the bare one [gallery]
I think I got them all fixed and it’s exposed a slight issue with the way the posts handled by the submission system and I’m really not sure how to resolve that, lol
How about some Star Wars music? I used to bounce around in the spare room to this when I was a kid. THE VIDEO!!!!! Why cowboys? Why motorcycle cops? Or are they motorcycle doctors? They’re wearing white coats. I guess the answers are lost in the mists of time.
What happened to my gallery posts? That’s not what I uploaded.
Although, I like that picture of Michelle Fordes as Admiral Cain. 😉
you used the gallery code with specific attachment IDs mentioned and when it move from plus to the main site, it got alllll confused.
if you do use the gallery code, just do the bare one [gallery]
I think I got them all fixed and it’s exposed a slight issue with the way the posts handled by the submission system and I’m really not sure how to resolve that, lol
How about some Star Wars music? I used to bounce around in the spare room to this when I was a kid. THE VIDEO!!!!! Why cowboys? Why motorcycle cops? Or are they motorcycle doctors? They’re wearing white coats. I guess the answers are lost in the mists of time.
that’s some kind of disco fever dream, wtf.
I think I like your Meco better than mine….