Steve King Say Anything Else Full Frontal with Samantha Bee TBS
Added on March 17th, 2017 by rjmacready | Report Post
Tags:Full Frontal with Samantha Bee, Humor, Politics
Tags:Full Frontal with Samantha Bee, Humor, Politics
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“Samantha Bee” is a loudmouth mentality unstable CANADIAN who shouldn’t be allowed near a TV let alone on one. She is the highest form of liberal hypocrite there is and she makes fun of cancer patients. May all of her dreams turn to ashes in her mouth.
Yabutt, unlike you, she’s entertaining and makes salient points.
I’m not in the entertainment business. I don’t give a rats ass if half of what she says is even 50% accurate, she’s a mentally unstable shill who should be in a straight jacket.
Can you show the courtroom on the doll where Samantha Bee touched you?
Cancuck please show the courtroom where no woman has ever touched you
I’m confused. Your username has Canuck in it and you’re emphasizing CANADIAN as if it’s a bad thing?
She also happens to be a naturalized American citizen. The horror! Maybe y’all could get your Cheeto Jesus to build a northern wall to keep the rest of us Canucks out. …Yeah, that’d be why.
She’s entertaining and funny ConfinedCanuck.
You don’t have to watch.
If you don’t want to be triggered maybe you need to find a safe space there snowflake. Does Brietbart have a comment section….?