A young African-American man visits his Caucasian girlfriend’s mysterious family estate.
This movie has some complicated expectations for it. Directed by Jordan Peel, famously of the comedic duo “Key & Peele”, it’s initially difficult not to expect the same perfectly framed and timely comedy that he’s been doing for nearly his entire public life. With the racial situation in the US being frustrating at best and down right deadly at worst, it would have been easy to have made a preachy movie that would hit the audience over the head with its message.
But it’s not a comedy and it doesn’t preach at you about any kind of racial anything. There’s a scene in the third act that really nailed it home to me (the big reveal!), this is a straight up horror film that addresses racial situations exactly as most Americans I know would: say yeah, this is weird that you’re the only black dude at this party, but you want a drink? You an UFC fan?
There’s some great scenes here and I have a feeling I’m going to want to watch this again to see it all in the right context. I highly suggest you watch this one and I’m really excited to see what Peele’s going to do next.
Yeah, this was a pretty good movie. It wasn’t what I thought it was going be and is a bit wild.