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we the people
Added on January 19th, 2017 by chasclegg888816 | Report Post
Tags:Art, Election 2016, Shepard Fairey
Tags:Art, Election 2016, Shepard Fairey
Yeah c’ause that’s really worked well for Europe….
I dunno.
Your chance of being killed by some thug (terrorist or other) is more than twice as high in the USA than in most of Europe.
So I guess they do have a better idea of how to keep their population safe.
Tell that to the Germans
Sexual assaults have exploded in Germany
as have Arsons,terrorist attacks(Thankfully more foiled than successful), kidnapping, thefts, Murders (Specifically Honor Killings)
Hate crimes against Jews, Lesbians & Gays get a nice mention
You know….the actually stats really aren’t that hard to find.
Germany’s rape stats are about 3 times lower than the US.
Their violent crime rate is about 6 times lower.
Their murder rate is about 4 times lower.
Germany’s hate crime rate is going up (though still lower than the US’s), but where it is rising is in anti-Muslim crimes.
Still….Germany ranks a much, much safer place to live than the US.
So get your patriotic head out of your patriotic ass.
I had no idea that pointing out the surge in crime due to the migrants in Germany somehow makes makes my head & my ass patriotic
How curious
Yeah there is a rise in anti-Muslim crime AGAINST OTHER MUSLIMS
Many Muslim Refugees are leaving due to different sects of Muslim faith that are actively hostile often times violent to anyone not of that sect
You’re right the data ain’t hard to find
Here’s a map while we’re at it
Hey…all problems Germany must deal with.
But all statistically much, much smaller problems than America’s violent crimes and gun death problems.
Stop dissing the neighbors and deal with the shit in your own house….was kinda my point.
But carry on….because….MUSLIMS!!!!!!
And Pam Geller….that’s your source….?
I guess she’s easy to find if your idea of news is Breitbart.
She doesn’t show up on any real statistical analysis or serious epidemiological lit…because she’s mostly full of shit and her work doesn’t pass the sniff test.
But…continue to believe the bullshit if gets you through the day….
Pam Geller’s thoughtful analysis:
I dare you to read it….
oh no oh dear oh my! She made a complete ass of herself with the birther nonsense. better throw out the baby with the bath water now
This doesn’t prove the migrant crimes false.
And it’s a good thing I provided links to other sites if one proved unsatisfactory.
Why do you insist on bring up the US crimes and how do you fail to see the difference?
What does the US gun problem have to Sharia zones cropping up Germany?
What does the US have to do with the fact that nearly 60% of these refugees in Germany and by extension Europe are actually welfare tourist and far worse
She’s made a complete ass of herself on every issue she’s championed….making her judgement…and the “facts” that’s she has cherry picked highly suspect.
Send me a link and analysis from a reputable source and we’ll talk.
So far all you’ve cited is shrill, fearful rhetoric.