Based off of a short story, this movie really knocked it out of the park. The special effects aren’t what you should be paying attention to, you should be paying attention to the lines of dialogue and what they could mean in context of what you know about the story already and what they could possible mean outside of that same context. One of the best stories that I’ve seen with this science fiction trope that would ruin it completely if I told you which trope it uses to great success.
Highly suggest you watch Arrival, it’s not a special effect power house, so feel free to wait for it to come to home distribution.
Hawkeye high as fuck, thinks he’s, etc., etc.
Read the short story, in fact due to a post here a while back, and off to see the movie Sunday. woot!
I’ve been trying to find it online for cheap, did you buy the book or did they just release it for free somewhere?
Terrific article on the film, but be warned. SPOILERS.