I can see Clinton improving the lives of sex workers. Mind you, the Moonlight Bunnyranch is an example of a well-run brothel. The girls are well-paid and free from abuse, management actually cares about the employees, and it’s situated in a low-crime area. Not every prostitute has those advantages. If we could get all prostitution off the streets and into regulated brothels, we could improve conditions for a lot of women who are in a bad spot in life right now.
Of course I can see why these ladies would vote for HIllary; between Bill and members of the Secret Service, their business will double or triple if she is elected. Hell, I bet Bill would get his own suite named after him. The “William Jefferson Clinton” suite.
Really? But Trump would find jobs for them.
I can see Clinton improving the lives of sex workers. Mind you, the Moonlight Bunnyranch is an example of a well-run brothel. The girls are well-paid and free from abuse, management actually cares about the employees, and it’s situated in a low-crime area. Not every prostitute has those advantages. If we could get all prostitution off the streets and into regulated brothels, we could improve conditions for a lot of women who are in a bad spot in life right now.
But…but…the Bible says….
Of course I can see why these ladies would vote for HIllary; between Bill and members of the Secret Service, their business will double or triple if she is elected. Hell, I bet Bill would get his own suite named after him. The “William Jefferson Clinton” suite.
I read somewhere that hookers make more money at Republican conventions than Democratic conventions.
Makes sense.
Liberal chicks aren’t near as uptight about sex, so Liberal guys don’t have to go running to the professionals when the urge strikes…
Well, politicians are selling themselves too, so…