the new-new avengers
Added on September 8th, 2016 by bagelboy | Report Post
Tags:Comic Books, Spider-Man, The Avengers (comic books), Thor, Vision
Tags:Comic Books, Spider-Man, The Avengers (comic books), Thor, Vision
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This is driving us nuts. Almost all the Marvel titles got new #1’s right after the new Secret Wars ended. They are almost all up to issue #11 or #12. Now, Marvel is giving everybody ANOTHER new #1, under the umbrella of “Marvel Now!” That’s exactly what they did BEFORE Secret Wars began, it was even called “Marvel Now” then! We have a very large back issue dept. It is becoming extremely difficult to categorize these titles. The Avengers alone have, The Avengers, The Mighty Avengers, New Avengers, Secret Avengers, All New Avengers, All New-All Different Avengers, Young Avengers, Dark Avengers, Uncanny Avengers…it’s endless. Many of the new titles will simply be called “The Avengers”, which makes it more difficult. Some don’t even list a Vol# in the first page indicia, so we have to actually go to a computer to look at a picture of the title to identify it! Throw in the fact that there is multiple variant covers, and it becomes a nightmare. If they would just come up with a BRAND NEW NAME for a new title, instead of recycling the same name over and over, it wouldn’t be an issue. Nerd rage over.
this is something that marvel and dc have been doing for the last 20 years. #1’s sell comics and give people a great point in the story to jump on board. I think it’s utter shit and there should be a different way to do it though, and it gets all the more confusing when they go back to the original series numbering, then go to a new number, then go back to the original numbering. I run and I simply cannot emphasize the amount of heartache these shenanigans have caused me
This is exactly why I quit reading comic books. Sometimes I will pick up a trade if I looked it up ahead of time to figure out which one it is.