Clint Eastwood on Donald Trump’s Racism: ‘Just F—ing Get Over It’
Clint says
Added on August 6th, 2016 by lettersandnumbersonly | Report Post
Tags:Humor, Movies, Politics, Weapons
Tags:Humor, Movies, Politics, Weapons
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That’s fine, but Eastwood’s politics have been strangely mixed up during his lifetime. Not that there’s anything wrong with changing your mind. That said, he’s never been racist, as far as I’m aware.
He seems like a fairly intelligent guy who has gone his own way in Hollywood and been quite successful doing so. Would be nice if he stayed above the political mud slinging tho. I respect someone who can change their view on something as long as they can offer a reasonable argument as to why. The true believers are the ones you have to watch out for.
Society could use a little more stoicism instead of running around being triggered by everything.
clint is 86 years old. that means he was in high school at the end of ww2. we still had seperate units for “colored” soldiers and we had put japanese in camps. there were plenty of people that saw it was racist , it’s just that there were more of the racists in charge back then. face it you wouldn’t even let grandpa have the remote control at his age and you certainly wouldn’t look for his advice.
Which is his damned point. He can tell the difference between racism, and the crap people whine about now.
his point is he’s too old for the remote so why would we care what he thinks? good. try watching him have that conversation with a chair without cringing and wishing they had had the decency not to air that senile old man’s imaginary rant.
his point is he’s too old for the remote so why would we care what he thinks? good. try watching him have that conversation with a chair without cringing and wishing they had had the decency not to air that senile old man’s imaginary rant.
Maybe not when you were growing up Clint.
But by the time you were actually grown-up they were certainly racist.
My parents are your age Clint….and they know better.
And they consider themselves conservatives….
Clint Eastwood says a lot of things. Mostly to empty chairs.