its why they shouldn’t be allowed to vote in the first place
*polite clapping* Somehow that is the perfect response. Well done! 🙂
Us against them, well done.
Kind of dismissive of women. They should just vote as they’re told? A contrast graphic might show her tonsils being repetitively punched by a different appendage. Now which party would that be?
Anyone voting DemocRAT. They have completely lost their minds. No wait, they never had any.
that wasn’t even a cute phrase when Rush or Hannity coined it and now it has well worn out it’s welcome
its why they shouldn’t be allowed to vote in the first place
*polite clapping* Somehow that is the perfect response. Well done! 🙂
Us against them, well done.
Kind of dismissive of women. They should just vote as they’re told?
A contrast graphic might show her tonsils being repetitively punched by a different appendage. Now which party would that be?
Anyone voting DemocRAT. They have completely lost their minds. No wait, they never had any.
that wasn’t even a cute phrase when Rush or Hannity coined it and now it has well worn out it’s welcome