It’s easy to remember that Ghostbusters wasn’t always a well loved and well received franchise of movies and games. Back in the day, the only reason that Bill Murray even showed up was so he could do another film (Razor’s Edge), and the first film relied heavily on product placement (Budweiser and Coke make unnatural appearances). This was one of the most fun movies of my childhood though, and when I heard that Fathom Events was doing a showing of the original film at my local AMC, I jumped at the chance to see it in the theaters. My only other experiences with this film was on VHS and Bluray, so I was interested in seeing how well it would translated back to the silver screen. It was exactly was I expected, which is to say: awesome and worth the time and money.
After the movie was done, we went home and watched the second one. It was good too, but had the slightly unbelievable notion that no one believed in ghosts again. Seriously? Half the city was nearly destroyed in the first movie, and you don’t believe in ghosts? Ok.
I only found out as an adult that the sequel was largely panned.
Also, the primary reason the second did so poorly is because it had a tough act to follow. Also, it fell prey to its own fanboyism a bit.
And before anyone says anything, YES ECTO COOLER IS BACK! Go to to find out where to get it.