How about it’s a “nope” because there is not a single credible source for the so-called information? Or are you suggesting that the burden of proof always falls on those denying a claim, rather than on those making it? On a related note: why is your mother so goddamned fat? NOPE!
It’s a “nope” because mikkelson has heard it before with variations? That’s solid!
How about it’s a “nope” because there is not a single credible source for the so-called information? Or are you suggesting that the burden of proof always falls on those denying a claim, rather than on those making it? On a related note: why is your mother so goddamned fat?
There was no credible source cited against it either.
Great reasoning child fondler.
That’s not how reasoned thought works skandybrg.
To claim a thing, one must have proof.
Clearly you understand this….even if it doesn’t follow your precious narrative…?
Seriously dude? You can’t possibly be this dense for real, can you?