Enjoyed Ben Affleck which was a shock to me and delighted with the outcome of the Batman V’s Superman battle. Overall it had more holes in it then a string vest and the doomsday cgi went on a bit but overall I left feeling good(12 rating here in Ireland so it has to be family friendly). Batman was great…Wonder Woman was FANTASTIC! and Superman was his usual wet self.
was it good?
Enjoyed Ben Affleck which was a shock to me and delighted with the outcome of the Batman V’s Superman battle. Overall it had more holes in it then a string vest and the doomsday cgi went on a bit but overall I left feeling good(12 rating here in Ireland so it has to be family friendly). Batman was great…Wonder Woman was FANTASTIC! and Superman was his usual wet self.
Éirinn go Brách mo chara, was going to see it today but I’m suffering from man-flu.
Must see it soooon.