Back in Time is a look at the impact the Back to the Future movies have had on our culture. From Spielberg to Zemeckis, Lloyd and Fox, paired with amazing trilogy fans, Back in Time features interviews and footage that must be seen.
Director: Jason Aron
This documentary is less of a ‘how it was made’ and more of a love note to a movie series that has endured for many years past it’s expected shelf life. If you want to see how the original cast is holding up, this is your ticket to that experience, for better or worse. I’m surprised they weren’t able to get Biff on camera, he’s still active in the acting / standup circuits, so it’s not like he’s fallen off the map.
If you enjoyed the films, this is a good movie. If you want to know why people enjoyed the films, maybe a little less so, but a pleasure to watch none the less.