I’m unusual in that I have ‘Pure Dyscalculia’, meaning that my language ability is unimpaired. It’s more common to have both. I don’t feel bad about having a slight learning disability however, because I firmly believe in ‘neurodiversity,’ although there are some problems with defining what that actually means.
Sadly I was born too late, to ride the fuck of the “dys” train 🙁
And I was born too early to get any adequate teaching. When I was at school no-one had heard of dyscalculia and most people still haven’t.
When the fuck was that, and where ? 19 century, deep in Appalachian Mountains ?
*Born too early.
The “dys” train came too late.
Late twentieth century Europe, the 1980’s, about tea-time. I was put into a ‘remedial’ class for basic no-hopers, despite the fact my English grades were waaay above average. No-one seemed to think it strange that I excelled in English but became totally lost with arithmetic to the point that I had to be streamed into a special class. Even now most people are completely ignorant of Dyscalculia, and have only very basic knowledge about Dyslexia. (Case in point. My computer refuses to recognize the word ‘dyscalculia’ and has underlined it.)
Well, my tea drinking lass, dig out the “Iron Lady”, and use her skull as a chamber pot.
Or those who send you there.
Shoes’ story is remarkably similar to my own, however; I can’t say that I’ve excelled at anything in my life. I too was going through school in the 80’s, and with my difficulties with reading and writing I was bounced from one special class to another. None of them helped. I made it through high school without ever hearing the word Dyslexia. It wasn’t until later in my life, when I went back to college that I finally got the help I needed, and was able to have a positive experience in school.
I bet it’s not true you haven’t excelled at anything. There’s a theory that the neurological deficits are balanced out by some compensatory factor, a skill at something else.
I’m good with my hands.
We should get together. Then we’d have one fully functional brain.
I like the sound of that.
Leonardo da Vinci, Ansel Adams, Pablo Picasso, Steven Spielberg…looks like I’m in good company.
Yeah, and vegetarians are in even better, and purer.
Hell, even PETA could claim him as a “poster boy” (:D) for animal rights.
Does that make being a vegetarian more, less good, valid ?