Pneuma : Breath of Life game review

ss a0c9e8eb88fbb0bc1cde14cda450842dd8d4f2cd.600x338 Pneuma : Breath of Life

Source: Xbox Games with Gold (also available on Steam)

This is a troubling game, not for the narration, but for the logical leaps that a few of the puzzle mechanics had that made me angry with the developers for making such stupid and obnoxious puzzles. You’ll be steaming along listening to one of the worst narrators since Minecraft had a 7 year old to do youtube videos in a “Let’s Play” and then suddenly you’ll find yourself facing a puzzle that literally has no way of being done until you skip it and go to the next room and try the next one. Out of frustration, you’ll just say fuck this shit and look up the solution on youtube, find another god damn 7 year old squeaking a solution at you. Turns out, you’re supposed to take the clues from room #1 and use them on the backwards puzzle pieces of Room #2, then do the same thing for the other room. I got stuck at the very FIRST closed door, because I didn’t realized that I had been solving puzzles up to that point. Honestly, I was just running towards them and they were opening, how in the fuck is it logical that they made those doors part of the puzzle? (spoiler: there was some widget that you had to have in your line of sight to open the doors, expect that up till the first closed one, the widgets were nearly on the damn doors themselves.)

There’s no possible way I would ever suggest this game for any amount of money, it too me only about 3 hours to get through it, and they were not quality hours at all.

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