JEB – Same Dick, New Bush

JEB - Same Dick, New Bush.jpg

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    OK, Australian lesbian here. I’m very liberal. In fact,I may be the libbiest lib that ever libbied a lib lib. That said, this is low caliber butthurt. Don’t get me wrong, Jeb Bush isn’t one of my favorite people, but this is just lazy and low.

    Don’t really care for Clinton either btw…


    As somebody who has lived in Florida while Jeb! has been governor, I’d say Jeb! doesn’t have much of a chance of winning Florida, let alone the Presidency. I’ve seen the education system go to absolute shit, and yes, I know, since I had kids in school at the time. Half of my kids did not graduate. They aren’t dumb. School, on the other hand, yeah, you don’t help yourself by drilling kids that have already passed the fucking FCAT exams with more FCAT drills, even in classes that have nothing to do with FCAT. Making school a shithole just because some of the students can’t pass the damn FCAT isn’t real smart in my book. And when you have a class that has 50% of the class failing to get their diploma (some accounting features were used to get that up to a 75%, by counting the students that eventually got their GED in that count, and 75% is still disgraceful), you’ve got one hell of a problem.

    I could go on about his privatization of the prison system that has now outstripped any savings that there may have been in the beginning.

    As it is, I don’t see a Republican running that is electable. Let alone, a Republican that I could possibly vote for, regardless of how bad a Democrat candidate that runs. So yes, the Republicans have made damn sure that I will continue to vote for the Democrat in the foreseeable future. If it’s Hillary, so be it. If it’s Sander’s, so be it. If it’s Forrest Gump or somebody just as stupid, so fucking be it.

    I used to consider myself an independent. No more.

    If/when the Republican Party decides to actually have and use a brain, then maybe I’ll return as an independent.

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