Pacific Rim

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    The movie was so-so, but I really like this picture.


    It’s funny, being a lapsed graphic artist, I caught a lot of that on some level, but not thoroughly enough.
    With this article, it dawned on me why I lost interest and moved away from that vocation: Because of pressure to produce more work faster and dumber.
    The fun and story were wrung-out by the corporate, the pace, with the need to please the purse strings.
    Seems kinda simple now, but took years to realize; granted, I didn’t think about it that much ’cause it sucked to do so.


    Del Toro seems to have a ‘one for them’, ‘one for me’ philosophy, technically making Crimson Peak one of ‘his’, ie – a more personal piece not specifically designed for a commercial audience. But I’ve seen the trailer for CP and it fills me with dread, and not in a good way. It looks horribly over designed. (You’re a lapsed graphic artist jediadept, what do you think?) I’m afraid it reeks of overindulgence. I could be wrong. I hope I am. I’ve been a fan right from the beginning, with Cronos, but now I think he needs to be reined in for his own good.


    Cronos; that goes back a ways… I liked very much about that film.

    I was not aware of Crimson Peak and know very little about it now, I really cannot comment; heck I’m still waiting for him to make ‘At the Mountains of Madness’.

    Would you liked to have seen Del Toro helm ‘The Hobbit’, or are you glad that it stayed in Jacksons’ hands?


    I’m glad Del Toro didn’t waste his time on The Hobbit. This franchise has been played out for a long time. I have no idea where ATMOM is at production wise, but I really hope he achieves his dream of making it; with reservations. The script is going to need a lot of work. The original novella has virtually no plot.


    Thoughtfully said.
    Though, even with little plot, Del Toro does tend to make make purty pictures.

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