I like this version of Hawkman, but to me, the authoritative version is the Space Cop one.
…..”the space cop one?” you, my friend, are a MASTER TROLL from Trollaron V. all hail. lol….”the space cop one”….whoo hoo…thats rich.
yeah, but there really was a space cop one: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hawkman_%28Katar_Hol%29
and he was the bestest.
Katar Hol was alright, but I’ve always thought Geoff Johns’ Hawkman Vol. 4 run was the best version.
…..”the space cop one?” you, my friend, are a MASTER TROLL from Trollaron V. all hail. lol….”the space cop one”….whoo hoo…thats rich.
yeah, but there really was a space cop one: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hawkman_%28Katar_Hol%29
and he was the bestest.
Katar Hol was alright, but I’ve always thought Geoff Johns’ Hawkman Vol. 4 run was the best version.