I would lick her clean 😀
Single guy Valentine’s Day
Added on February 16th, 2015 by notspamming | Report Post
Tags:Alcohol, Candles, Food, Humor, Nutella, Valentine's Day
Tags:Alcohol, Candles, Food, Humor, Nutella, Valentine's Day
Harsh dude, her dad just died!
Well, then it would be comforting, and stuff, wouldn’t it ?
But yeah, a sad day 🙁
I swear to god, funerals got me laid back in highschool. something about death that gets everyone all horny and shit
[quote]It makes sense. Looking to feel alive out of adventure.[/quote]
Ohhh Tiki; please tell us it wasn’t necrophilia…
no, close friends that were killed in unfortunate ways made us all want to feel a little more alive than we deserved to be.
so we fucked, a lot.