is this a real comic cover? is DC that tone deaf?
Supergirl is nearly nude on her first issue
Added on January 27th, 2015 by pennicowan4 | Report Post
Tags:Comic Books, NeSFW, Sexy, Supergirl, Vertical Wallpaper, WTF
Tags:Comic Books, NeSFW, Sexy, Supergirl, Vertical Wallpaper, WTF
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“is this a real comic cover? is DC that tone deaf?”
Not a real comic cover. It was made by a guy from deviantart ( ).
However, that is the design of the outfit that they’re forcing her to wear in the comics since the New 52 shit started 3 years ago. And yes, it looks dreadful. Depending on the artist, she looks like she’s either wearing a diaper or her grandma’s maxi-pads on the outside. So, yes, DC really is that tone deaf.
We’re all hoping that with the upcoming Supergirl TV show on CBS, they’re going to redesign the outfit and make it look decent again.