7 big lies ‘American Sniper’ is telling America about Iraq and Chris Kyle

The film American Sniper, based on the story of the late Navy Seal Chris Kyle, is a box office hit, setting records for an R-rated film released in January. Yet the film, the autobiography of the same name, and the reputation of Chris Kyle are all built on a set of half-truths, myths and outright lies that Hollywood didn’t see fit to clear up.

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    Wow, I never knew about all that weird shit with him & Jesse Ventura:



    We in MN couldn’t escape it. No one came out smelling good. We all knew Jesse is an ass, but Chris and his wife both ended up looking pretty horrible, regardless of his service to this nation.

    Chet Manley

    This is all you need to know about Chris Kyle:


    That, and the fact that his estate was successfully sued by Jesse Ventura (which I was aware of prior to reading this thread, I read up about it after having seen the trailer and before seeing the movie).


    what war did you fuckers fight in. you make me sick.


    Oh good, another thing we have to like or dislike depending on our political leaning or our opinions on the Iraq War.


    I sat in a tank in the first Gulf War.
    I don’t even pretend to know what this guy dealt with during his service.

    He DID save lives (not just coalition forces but indigs as well) with his rifle. That is all I feel that I DO need to know.


    According to Fox (can’t call it News with a straight face) I am a soldier in the War of Christmas because I think people should greet how they want in December, I serve in the Class war against the 1% because I believe they should pay the same % of taxes as the poor and middle class, and I am part of the War on Guns because I think people should actually have to submit to a background check.
    I will admit to being a conscientious objector in the War on Drugs because I see nothing wrong with people smoking marijuana (having never used any illicit drugs btw)…


    See? You apparently feel the need to mention this on a post referencing the fact that Chris Kyle was loose with the truth and Eastwood looser with it in the script.


    “half-truths, myths and outright lies” are haram here? When the fuck did that start?

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