Prepare thyselves
Added on January 9th, 2015 by BeastLord | Report Post
Tags:Awesome Things, Captain America, Comic Books, Cyclops, Doctor Doom, Humor, Iron Man, Nova, Silver Surfer, Spider-Man, The Incredible Hulk, Thor, Vertical Wallpaper, Wolverine
Tags:Awesome Things, Captain America, Comic Books, Cyclops, Doctor Doom, Humor, Iron Man, Nova, Silver Surfer, Spider-Man, The Incredible Hulk, Thor, Vertical Wallpaper, Wolverine
Namor really looks like he’s Thor’s girlfriend.
Namor’s always been everybody’s girlfriend.
And this is how Adam Warlock’s Smash Bros. party began. It was all going great until Hulk broke Doom’s Kirby amiibo.