The Straw Feminist

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    OH MY GOD!!! She’s claiming that tropes might help perpetuate negative stereotypes. Quick! Send her death threats! WHY DOES SHE HATE FREEEEDOMMMMM!!!??????

    Chet Manley

    Actually she claimed to have reported the death threats to the local police, but when a reporter followed up with them, the local police had no record of her contacting them. There was no open case. A lot of people think she made them up for publicity. And boy has she gotten a lot.

    Making false claims of hate crimes is becoming such a huge thing someone has even set up a web site to track the phenomena:


    Ok. I’m two minutes in and I stopped watching. She highlighted Veronica Mars Season 3 as an example of the Straw Feminist trope. One of the strengths of VM was the superb writing of show creator Rob Thomas. Like the original Alien, the main character started life male then underwent a sex change. Diane Ruggerio was the producer on Series 3 (and also co-wrote the spin off feature film) and I’m sure she would have had something to say if she felt they were falling back on lazy stereotypes. I watched the entire show and never felt it did that. Quite the contrary. What was refreshing about it was the complexity of all the characters. I think what she’s failing to grasp is that it’s perfectly fine to represent some women as messed up or confused in their thinking. It’s called ‘being human’ and applies to both sexes (Look at the current backlash to Gone Girl). The fact that the show had the balls (and uterus!) to show us a group of well meaning but ultimately not very helpful young women does not make it anti-feminist. Right. I’m going to watch the rest now. I’ll get back to you if I have any other thoughts.


    Just finished. She makes some fair, broad points about the representation of women in television. Regarding false rape allegations (and Gone Girl), it’s true that they’re extremely rare, but they do happen, and making them a part of a fictional story is not necessarily wrong. What we want and need is a good balance of female characters with both positive and negative characteristics.

    Chet Manley

    According to a study done by the U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations, about 60% of all rape accusations are false.

    SOURCE: McDowell, Charles P., Ph.D. False Allegation. Forensic Science Digest, (publication of the U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations), Vol. 11, No. 4 (December 1985), p.64)


    And you know, “…nothing’ll stop the U.S. Air Force!” 😀


    Wait… in Veronica Mars there were men depicted as rapists, and feminists depicted as being irrational and manipulative, but the problem with that show is how it portrays the feminists? Yeah, you must hate it when the group YOU belong to isn’t depicted as being perfect.

    Chet Manley

    Feminists believe all men are rapists.


    I guess the question is: were all feminists portrayed as irrational an manipulative…..and were all the men portrayed as rapists?

    If so, that would be pretty silly.
    Not all men are rapists, and not all feminists are nuts.


    “were all feminists portrayed as irrational an manipulative…..and were all the men portrayed as rapists?”
    No to both. Most people that regard themselves as feminists never openly declare it, and the definition of ‘feminist’ varies widely. Using some common definitions, the vast majority of characters in the show were feminists.

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