Should this be Communism vs Socialism? Because it was Britain running Hong Kong before the hand back.
You almost can’t see the poor people behind all those high buildings. That means that they aren’t there and don’t need help, doesn’t it?
Oh, you’re right, there were poor people in Honk Kong! Quickly, let’s do like in Cuba and make EVERYONE poor, so the few poor people right now don’t feel so alone!
No worries, “democratic” PRC has some election planned for Hong Kong.
It’s shining so it must be better ! Put some LED in my ass and I’m a happy superior race capitalist defending my masters against poor people !
What would be the point of robbing someone with nothing to take?
That’s a good question to ask the Waltons, as too many of their employees need government assistance.
That’s the best of both worlds, right? Capitalism being subsidized by socialism?
How exactly does socialism subsidize capitalism? Where does the socialist get the money? Oh right, they steal it from the Capitalists.
Should this be Communism vs Socialism? Because it was Britain running Hong Kong before the hand back.
You almost can’t see the poor people behind all those high buildings. That means that they aren’t there and don’t need help, doesn’t it?
Oh, you’re right, there were poor people in Honk Kong! Quickly, let’s do like in Cuba and make EVERYONE poor, so the few poor people right now don’t feel so alone!
No worries, “democratic” PRC has some election planned for Hong Kong.
It’s shining so it must be better !
Put some LED in my ass and I’m a happy superior race capitalist defending my masters against poor people !
What would be the point of robbing someone with nothing to take?
That’s a good question to ask the Waltons, as too many of their employees need government assistance.
That’s the best of both worlds, right? Capitalism being subsidized by socialism?
How exactly does socialism subsidize capitalism? Where does the socialist get the money? Oh right, they steal it from the Capitalists.