Added on September 11th, 2014 by rdeckard | Report Post
Tags:Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, Batmobile, Comic Books, Movies, Wallpaper
Tags:Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, Batmobile, Comic Books, Movies, Wallpaper
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why in the world world would you have the wheels out on their own separate area like that? looks like a dune buggy.
what do you bet there’s a gimmick there, like the batpod.
Simple, they need more points of vulnerability so that a wheel can be ripped/blown off at the looks-like-the-protagonist-is-screwed scene. Oh, and another direction in which the turret can’t fire.
I’m not sure those front driving lights are legal either.
The Batmobile is becoming ridiculously convoluted. What f***ing next? An en suite bathroom?
crime doesn’t have time to shit, neither does batman
Now THAT was funny as hell.
+1 instanets to you, Sir and/or Madam.
More louvers…and plating…and heat dispersion fins…and pipe…and grooves…and bolts…and cowbell.
WB Exec: “You know what a superhero notorious for not using guns needs on the front of his ride? Some fucking guns.”
It’s ‘orrible. (imo) Just showed it to my boyfriend and he said, “It’s all f***ed up.” Yet another example of over-design.