More brilliant British 70’s sci-fi. This time about a group of escaped prisoners on an alien ship trying to stay one step ahead of the totalitarian Terran Federation.
Question, has there ever been a crossover between this and Doctor Who? Cause that would be brilliant.
No crossover, but it was written by Terry Nation, a regular writer on Doctor Who, and creator of the Daleks.
🙂 Yeah. It’s that that always has me wondering about a crossover. And now I can’t get the idea out of my head. Also they meet Sapphire & Steel, and pick up Quatermass possibly on the recommendation of Doomwatch, and have to seek help from SHADO and the whole thing finishes on Moonbase Alpha.
Definitely would have been cool since the Nation knew the source material for both series.
This was an awesome series. I watched it a few years back thanks to the internet and an episode length commute to work. I consider it to be the lovechild of Logan’s Run and the Seven Samurai, and the wiser grandfather to Babylon 5.
The hotness of Servalan.
Recording futuristic electronic messages on crystal thumbdrives that need to be sent through interspace snail mail.
How much ORAC resembles a 3D printer…
Great stuff.