Lucy. It’s a remake of Carrie but with bigger boobs and a dumber premise that pretends to be smart, and directed by a French guy instead of an Italian one.
Really???? They’ve actually made a movie based on a long-discredited fallacy???? There might’ve been some excuse for making this 50 years ago, but what’s the point now? This has to be a turkey by definition.
Bloody Hell “Why So Serious?”
You do realise that (almost 100% of) Sci-Fi, Horror and Superhero movies are not real don’t you, there’s no Superman and he can’t fly, Godzilla didn’t wreck Japan and we can’t use wormhole to zip around the galaxy.
Movies like these are escapism.
And you’re missing the point – it’s Scarlett Johansson!
Wait have you not read Terry Pratchett …. and the Bible, think that says we’re flat, no? and that’s pretty f’ing serious!
Come on nobody takes this shit as serious?
Finally saw this yesterday (@2nd run theatre). Loved it. Trippy. Tugged at the same theme strings as “Transcendence”. And “Limitless”. Might even go so far as to spend money on a copy (which is the highest compliment I can give).
I love flicks like this. Pure escapism. Luc Besson is always excellent, and Scarlet Johansson is good for my eyes.
noblewolf (#7112)
10 years ago
I thought the movie was entertaining. As for scientific accuracy, it was not even close… I mean really, she’s using 40 percent of her full mental capacity, and she is still blonde???
What’s the name of this movie? 🙂
Lucy. It’s a remake of Carrie but with bigger boobs and a dumber premise that pretends to be smart, and directed by a French guy instead of an Italian one.
Really???? They’ve actually made a movie based on a long-discredited fallacy???? There might’ve been some excuse for making this 50 years ago, but what’s the point now? This has to be a turkey by definition.
I came here to say this ^^^
that’s because the people that made it really do only use 10% of their brains…they are lobotomites.
Bloody Hell “Why So Serious?”
You do realise that (almost 100% of) Sci-Fi, Horror and Superhero movies are not real don’t you, there’s no Superman and he can’t fly, Godzilla didn’t wreck Japan and we can’t use wormhole to zip around the galaxy.
Movies like these are escapism.
And you’re missing the point – it’s Scarlett Johansson!
right, but it’s like making a serious science fiction movie about how the earth is flat.
Wait have you not read Terry Pratchett …. and the Bible, think that says we’re flat, no? and that’s pretty f’ing serious!
Come on nobody takes this shit as serious?
Finally saw this yesterday (@2nd run theatre). Loved it. Trippy. Tugged at the same theme strings as “Transcendence”. And “Limitless”. Might even go so far as to spend money on a copy (which is the highest compliment I can give).
I love flicks like this. Pure escapism. Luc Besson is always excellent, and Scarlet Johansson is good for my eyes.
I thought the movie was entertaining. As for scientific accuracy, it was not even close… I mean really, she’s using 40 percent of her full mental capacity, and she is still blonde???